Breast Cancer Risk Assessment

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The HKSAR government commissioned the School of Public Health of the University of Hong Kong to conduct the Hong Kong Breast Cancer Study, and developed the Online Breast Cancer Risk Assessment Tool which has been validated for Hong Kong Chinese female population.


Women aged 44 - 69 could input the personalised risk factors as instructed by the website, including the age of menarche, age of first live birth, presence of history of breast cancer among first-degree relative (mother, sister or daughter), etc. This tool would estimate the risk of developing breast cancer with regard to the factors provided.


Important notice:

 Please note that this assessment tool cannot be considered as the medical diagnosis or medical consultation, it is intended to provide women aged 44-69 with information for better understanding of their risk of developing breast cancer with regard to the personalised risk factors. Please consult your family doctor if you are classified at high or moderate risk or you have any concerns.


You may start the online assessment by clicking here. Please read the preamble and disclaimer before the assessment.


Source: Government Website